8 Best Financial Books For Beginners

Table Of Contents

As a financial coach, I cannot stress enough the importance of financial literacy for beginners. Unfortunately, many people overlook this aspect of their education and end up suffering the consequences in the long run.

Being financially literate is not something that comes naturally to everyone, especially those who have not been taught about money management skills growing up. That's why it's absolutely essential for beginners to educate themselves on these topics before making any significant financial decisions.

One reason why financial literacy is crucial is so that you can understand and take control of your own finances. Many people outsource their financial decision-making to others, whether it be a spouse or a financial advisor.

While there's nothing wrong with seeking help from an expert, ultimately it's important to have a basic understanding of personal finance so you can make informed decisions yourself. This means knowing how to create a budget, save money for emergencies and future goals like retirement or buying a house.

Another reason why being financially literate is important is because it provides you with valuable knowledge about how the economy works on both micro and macro levels. Knowing how interest rates work or what inflation means will affect your personal finances in numerous ways that can be both positive and negative depending on your circumstances.

Being financially literate opens up opportunities for investment and wealth creation which could lead to long term benefits such as retirement even creating wealth that lasts for multiple generations. If you're serious about taking control of your finances as a beginner then educating yourself on basic concepts such as budgeting, saving money for emergency fund or creating wealth through investments could make all the difference in achieving success down the road regardless of whether you're pursuing personal goals like homeownership or best practices such as saving enough funds necessary never to live paycheck-to-paycheck again!

Why Read Books Instead of Blog Posts?

As someone who often gets lost in the black hole of internet browsing, it's easy to understand why so many people turn to blog posts for financial advice. After all, they're quick and easy to digest, and they're often written by people who seem like they know what they're talking about. But here's the thing: blog posts just don't cut it when it comes to financial education.

First of all, let's talk about depth. Blog posts are great for quick tips and tricks or for a surface-level introduction to a topic.

But when it comes down to really understanding something as complex as personal finance, you need more than just a few bullet points. Books offer much more in-depth analysis and discussion that can help you fully grasp a concept.

Not only that, but books also provide context and history that can be critical in understanding current financial systems. Take "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham, for example.

This book was first published in 1949 but has been updated several times since then because the principles discussed within its pages are timeless. The historical context provided can give readers a better understanding of why certain investment strategies work and how past events have shaped our current financial landscape.

Another advantage of reading books over blog posts is credibility. Anyone can write a blog post these days; you don't need any qualifications or experience to share your opinions online.

While there are certainly some knowledgeable bloggers out there, it's hard to know who to trust when anyone with an internet connection can publish whatever they want. Books, on the other hand, are usually written by experts in their field or people with significant experience in the subject matter.

For example, Dave Ramsey has been helping people get out of debt and manage their money for decades; his expertise is not something you'll find from just any blogger. 

Let's talk about retention.

When I read something online--whether it's an article or social media post--I usually forget about it within a few hours. There's just too much information out there to remember everything.

But when I read a book, especially one that's well-written and engaging, the lessons stick with me for much longer. The time commitment required to read a book may be higher, but the long-term benefits are worth it.

While it may be tempting to turn to quick blog posts for financial advice, books offer so much more in-depth analysis, historical context, and credible expertise. If you're serious about understanding personal finance and making smart money decisions, skip the blogs and pick up a book instead.

Best Financial Books For Beginners

When it comes to financial books for beginners, there are a plethora of options to choose from. But not all books are created equal – some provide a better foundation for financial literacy than others.

Here are my top picks for the best financial books for beginners.

You Need A Budget by Jesse Mecham

You Need A Budget is a fantastic book that delves deep into the world of personal finance and offers a unique system to help people break away from living paycheck-to-paycheck, pay off their debts and set themselves up for financial freedom. This book is not just about budgeting your money; it's about taking control of your finances and transforming your relationship with money. One of the first things that I admire about this book is that it's written in such an approachable way.

It doesn't use confusing jargon or try to intimidate you with complex financial concepts. Instead, Jesse Mecham has written the book in a conversational tone which makes it easy to understand and relate to.

He uses his own experiences as well as those of his clients to show how the YNAB system can work. The YNAB system focuses on four main principles: giving every dollar a job, embracing your true expenses, rolling with the punches and aging your money.

The first principle involves assigning every dollar you earn a specific task which helps create clarity around what you can spend without guilt or fear of overspending. Embracing true expenses means planning for recurring expenses like car insurance or Christmas gifts so they don't sneak up on you and derail your budget.

Rolling with the punches is all about being able to adapt when things don’t go according to plan - unexpected bills or emergencies can crop up when we least expect them, so it’s important to be flexible enough in our budgets to accommodate them without derailing our long-term goals. Aging your money means breaking free from living paycheck-to-paycheck by building up a buffer of savings that allows you to live off last month’s income instead of relying on this month’s.

Overall, You Need A Budget provides an actionable framework for getting your finances under control while offering practical advice and tools that anyone can implement regardless of their current financial situation. The YNAB system has helped many people break free from the cycle of living paycheck-to-paycheck and gain control over their finances, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to take control of their money.

I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

This book offers practical advice and actionable steps to help readers achieve financial security. Similar to You Need A Budget, one of the things I love about this book is that it's written in a conversational style, which makes it easy to read and understand.

One of the key takeaways from I Will Teach You To Be Rich is that investing early and often is essential if you want to build wealth. Sethi emphasizes the importance of automating your investments, so you don't have to think about them and provides practical advice for doing so.

He also provides some excellent advice on how to pick the right investment vehicles based on your goals and risk tolerance. Another aspect of this book that I appreciate is Sethi's emphasis on earning more money.

He recognizes that cutting expenses can only take you so far, and that increasing your income is critical if you want to achieve financial freedom. Sethi provides practical tips for negotiating higher salaries, starting a side hustle, and creating multiple streams of income.

One minor criticism I have of this book is that some of the advice might not be relevant for everyone. For example, there are several sections on credit card rewards programs, which may not be applicable if you're not based in the US.

However, overall I think this book offers excellent value for money. I would highly recommend I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi as a must-read for anyone who wants to take control of their finances and build long-term wealth.

Regardless of whether you're just starting out or have been managing your money for years, there's something in this book for everyone. So go ahead and pick up a copy – your future self will thank you!

The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

This is one of the most popular and highly recommended personal finance books out there. And for good reason, too. In this book, Ramsey breaks down his proven seven-step plan for getting out of debt and achieving financial freedom.

However, as much as I appreciate the value that this book provides, I do have some strong opinions about it. Firstly, Ramsey's plan is heavily focused on paying off debt as quickly as possible.

While this may work for some people, it's not necessarily the best option for everyone. For those who have high-interest credit card debt or other unsecured loans, paying them off quickly should definitely be a priority.

But for those with low-interest debt such as a mortgage or student loans, it may make more sense to focus on investing in retirement accounts or building an emergency fund instead. Additionally, Ramsey's approach to credit cards is extremely negative.

He advocates cutting up all your credit cards and only using cash or debit cards instead. While I understand the reasoning behind this (to avoid racking up more debt), I don't believe it's a practical solution in today's world for many people–only for those who absolutely cannot demonstrate responsible spending habits on credit cards.

Credit cards can actually be useful tools if used responsibly - they can help you build credit history and earn rewards points that can save you money in the long run. Another issue I have with The Total Money Makeover is its lack of emphasis on increasing income through entrepreneurship or career growth.

Instead, Ramsey focuses solely on reducing expenses and living frugally in order to achieve financial freedom. While these are important strategies to employ, they may not be enough to truly achieve financial success and security.

While Ramsey's plan may work well for single individuals or couples without children, it doesn't necessarily apply to families with children or those living in high-cost-of-living areas such as New York City or San Francisco. The "gazelle intensity" approach that he recommends may simply not be feasible for everyone.

Overall, I do believe The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey is a valuable resource for those looking to get their finances in order. It’s a personal finance classic and a must read. 

The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko

If you're looking for a book that will change your entire perspective on wealth-building, look no further than The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko. This book is the ultimate guide to understanding how real millionaires actually live their lives, and it's packed with practical advice for anyone who wants to build wealth over time. One of the biggest takeaways from this book is that most millionaires in America aren't flashy or extravagant with their money.

Instead, they tend to live frugally and save aggressively throughout their lives. According to Stanley and Danko's research, 80% of millionaires in America are first-generation wealthy individuals who built their fortunes from scratch through hard work and smart financial choices.

Another key theme in The Millionaire Next Door is the importance of financial discipline and planning. Stanley and Danko emphasize that building wealth isn't just about earning a high income - it's about managing your money effectively over time.

This means creating a budget, living below your means, investing in low-cost index funds, and avoiding unnecessary debt as much as possible. One thing I particularly appreciate about this book is its emphasis on simple living and avoiding status symbols.

Stanley and Danko argue that many people get caught up in trying to keep up with the Joneses by buying expensive cars, houses, clothes, etc., but these purchases often come at the expense of long-term financial stability. By contrast, millionaires tend to prioritize saving money over impressing others with material possessions.

I highly recommend The Millionaire Next Door for anyone who wants a comprehensive overview of what it takes to build lasting wealth in America today. Whether you're just starting out on your journey or you're an experienced investor looking for new insights and strategies, there's something valuable in this book for everyone who wants to achieve financial independence over time.

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

When it comes to the topic of best financial books for beginners, The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham is regarded as the holy grail of investing. There is no question that this book is a classic, and it should be required reading for anyone interested in investing.

In fact, it is widely considered as the bible of value investing and has inspired famous investors like Warren Buffett. One of the key principles that Graham emphasizes in his book is the concept of "margin of safety." This means that an investor should only purchase a stock when its price is significantly below its intrinsic value.

In essence, investors should only buy stocks that are undervalued in order to minimize their risk. Another important concept from The Intelligent Investor is diversification.

Graham argues that investors should not put all their eggs in one basket but instead should spread out their investments across multiple stocks and asset classes. This helps to mitigate risk because if one investment performs poorly, the others may perform well enough to offset those losses.

One area where I disagree with Graham's philosophy is his emphasis on analyzing financial statements and ratios. Although this approach can be effective for professional analysts and investors, beginners may find it difficult to comprehend complex financial data.

Instead, I believe beginners should focus on simpler metrics such as earnings growth rates and price-to-earnings ratios before delving into more advanced analysis techniques. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham is an essential read for anyone who wants to learn about value investing and how to make intelligent investment decisions.

It provides timeless wisdom that can help readers navigate today's complex financial markets while emphasizing the importance of a long-term perspective on investing. If you are serious about getting started in investing or want to take your skills to the next level, this book should definitely be on your reading list!

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing by John C. Bogle

Moving on to The Little Book of Common Sense Investing by John C. Bogle, I must say that this is a true classic and a must-read for anyone interested in investing. The book provides a clear and concise explanation of index fund investing, which is a passive investment strategy that aims to match the performance of a specific market index.

One of the things I love about this book is that it debunks the myth of active management. Bogle argues that trying to beat the market through active management is a fool's errand because it requires predicting future stock prices, which no one can do consistently.

Instead, he advocates for low-cost index funds that provide broad diversification and consistent returns over the long term. Another great thing about The Little Book of Common Sense Investing is its emphasis on simplicity.

Bogle contends that investing should be simple, straightforward, and low cost. He suggests focusing on asset allocation rather than trying to pick individual stocks or time the market.

By diversifying across different asset classes and holding for the long term, investors can reduce risk and increase returns. I appreciate Bogle's focus on putting investors' interests first.

He founded Vanguard Group with the mission of providing low-cost investments to individual investors, and his philosophy has revolutionized the mutual fund industry. In an industry rife with conflicts of interest and hidden fees, Bogle's approach stands out as refreshingly honest and transparent.

If you're looking for a timeless classic on investing that emphasizes simplicity, low costs, and putting investors first, then The Little Book of Common Sense Investing by John C. Bogle is an excellent choice. It provides a clear explanation of indexing while debunking myths about active management and encouraging investors to focus on asset allocation over stock picking or market timing.

Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez

This is one of the most popular financial books for beginners. It offers a unique perspective on money and happiness, focusing on the idea that time is more valuable than money. The first thing that stands out about this book is its focus on financial independence.

The authors don't just talk about getting out of debt or saving for retirement; they also emphasize the importance of creating a life that's not dependent on a job or traditional income streams. They suggest living frugally, tracking every penny you spend, and investing in assets that generate passive income.

Another unique aspect of Your Money or Your Life is its emphasis on aligning your spending with your values. The authors argue that we often spend money on things we don't care about, leading to feelings of emptiness or dissatisfaction.

By tracking your spending and evaluating it based on what's important to you, you can create a more meaningful and fulfilling life. However, I do have some small issues with this book.

For one thing, some of the advice feels overly simplistic or unrealistic. For example, the authors suggest cooking all your meals from scratch to save money – which may be possible for some people but isn't always feasible in our busy modern lives.

Another issue I have with Your Money or Your Life is its tone at times comes across as preachy and judgmental. The authors criticize people who buy new cars every few years or go out to eat frequently as being wasteful without acknowledging that everyone has different values and priorities when it comes to spending their money. 

I think Your Money or Your Life has an important message about rethinking our relationship with money and finding ways to live more intentionally – but it's not without its flaws. Readers should approach this book with an open mind and take what resonates while leaving behind what doesn't work for them personally.

The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins

This is an excellent book for beginners who want to learn about investing in the stock market. The author writes in a down-to-earth and conversational style that makes his advice easy to understand and follow. The book is organized into short chapters, making it perfect for those who don't have a lot of time to read.

One of the key themes of the book is the importance of index fund investing. Collins advocates for investing in low-cost index funds that track the performance of the entire stock market, rather than trying to pick individual stocks or actively managed funds.

He argues that over time, this strategy will lead to better returns with lower fees and less risk. Another aspect of The Simple Path to Wealth that I appreciate is Collins' emphasis on taking a long-term view of investing.

He encourages readers not to get caught up in short-term market fluctuations or try to time the market, but instead stay focused on their long-term goals and stick with their investment plan through thick and thin. In addition, Collins provides practical advice on how much money you should be saving for retirement, how to set up a simple investment portfolio using just a few index funds, and how much risk you should be willing to take on based on your personal situation.

I highly recommend The Simple Path To Wealth as an introduction to investing for beginners. It's an easy read with practical advice that can help anyone get started on their journey towards financial independence.


Financial literacy is essential for everyone, and reading can be a fantastic way to learn about money management. There are countless books out there that can help beginners gain a better understanding of personal finance, but the ones I've mentioned are some of the best.

You Need A Budget by Jesse Mecham is an excellent choice for those wanting to feel more in control of their finances, struggling with debt, or living paycheck-to-paycheck. It provides a straightforward system for managing your money and breaking free from financial stress.

I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi is perfect for those looking to improve their overall financial situation. The book provides guidance on saving, investing, and earning more money.

It also touches on topics like negotiating job offers and credit card rewards. 

The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey is an excellent choice for those looking for a step-by-step plan to get out of debt and build wealth.

It's an easy read that provides actionable advice that anyone can follow. 

The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins is another great book that emphasizes simplicity in investing.

The author's philosophy is based on low-cost index fund investing, which he argues is the most effective way to build wealth over time. Overall, these books can provide beginners with the necessary knowledge and tools to take control of their finances.

They may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I believe they offer valuable insights into personal finance that everyone should consider. While mastering personal finance may seem daunting at first glance it’s worth noting that everyone starts somewhere - even if it’s at ground zero when it comes to education in this field.

With these books as guides, beginners have plenty of resources available at their fingertips; they just need motivation! So don’t be afraid to dive in head-first - take charge of your financial life today!

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